Welcome Dear Exchange Student


Dear Exchange Student,

Hello! I am Lupita Cervantes and I live in Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico. I am very happy to work for you as Chairman for the period of 2022 – 2025 for our District 4100. For 30 years I have volunteered to work at the Rotary Exchange Program in our district, working as a YEO and RYE Coordinator.

My 4 children had the luck of participating in the Exchange Program and had the best year of their lives. They had the opportunity of going to countries like Canada, Denmark, Germany and France. Also, throughout the span of 23 years, we have received Exchange Students in our home, from countries like Germany, Denmark, USA, Belgium, Taiwan, Russia, Brazil and Turkey, leaving us with wonderful experiences.

I also had the marvelous chance of accompanying inbound Exchange students to the district trips like the Ruta Maya, outbounds and inbounds camps, which has resulted in a deeper commitment and support from my part to Rotary, the Exchange Program and the development of new generations.

You will be arriving to Mexico, a beautiful country full of culture and traditions. Our district 4100 is in the Northwestern part of Mexico, which is composed by 4 states: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora and Sinaloa.


Next to California in the US, this state is comprised by mountains and beaches in the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California.

Its main cities are Tijuana, a big industrial city, close to big US cities like San Diego and Los Angeles.

Mexicali, industrial city that is famous for having the best Chinese food in the country.

Rosarito, Tecate and Ensenada: beautiful touristic destinations that receive thousands of visitors every year due to their beautiful beaches, being the wine capital of the country, capital of Mexican Surfing and due to their bold and delicious gastronomy.


Its capital and most populated city is La Paz. It is a very important cultural and touristic destination with famous beaches, art, a whale sanctuary and protected islands.

Another famous destination in the state is Los Cabos, a beautiful city with beaches, great gastronomy, water activities and sightings of gray whales.


‘’The place where the desert and the sea meet’’. It is composed by mountains, desert and beaches. Its main economic activities are agriculture, fishing and mining. In Hermosillo, its capital, we have aerospace and automotive industry.

Guaymas, another of its main cities, is a common touristic destination with many factories and fishing, particularly shrimp and oisters.

Puerto Peñasco, important tourist destination in the state.

Caborca, producer of grapes, olives and dates.

Nogales, border city, next to Arizona, USA.

Ciudad Obregón and Navojoa, in the south part of the state. They are agricultural and industrial cities where they can presume of having the best meat in the world.


It is the most important agricultural state in Mexico and the 2nd more important in fishing. Its capital city, Culiacán, is a prosperous commercial city with a very good academic offer.

Mazatlan, another touristic destination, is a famous mexicanbalneary with beautiful beaches, high fishing and tuna industry.

There are other agricultural cities like Los Mochis, Guasave and Guamúchil which are famous for having the best seafood in the country.

As you can see, our district is comprised of sea, desert, mountains, tourism, gastronomy and Magical Towns. However, our best treasure is our people’s warmth, friendliness and energy. This is a district where in every state there are several zones and in each one of them you will find a team of Coordinators, Yeos, Rotary Clubs, counselors, Rotex, families and volunteers, who will give you a very warm welcome. Everyone is committed to work towards your safety with all the necessary protocols to ensure the safety of every student in case of COVID-19.

We are also working to strengthen the leadership of future generations, promoting peace and good will as a sign of brotherhood between nations, all of this through you, our ambassadors, who could be catalysts of peace in the future in a world that is currently facing very complex challenges.

We hope our mission and goal is the same as yours: That you learn our culture, our language, that you make true friendships across the world and that you have the best year of your lives.


Lupita Cervantes


Convocatoria Programa de Intercambio de Jóvenes período 2024 – 2025

Estimados Señores Presidentes de Clubes Rotarios del D-4100.

El Gobernador del Distrito 4100 Rafael de La Rosa López, Gobernador Elibé Medina Valencia y

el Comité de Intercambio, les informamos que se encuentra abierta la convocatoria
para presentar candidatos para el programa RYE, desde el día de hoy hasta el día 30 de
noviembre de 2023.

Este programa se lleva a cabo con el fin de que jóvenes de nuestra comunidad puedan:

  • Cultivar amistades internacionales.
  • Aprender nuevos idiomas.
  • Entender nuevas culturas.
  • Adquirir liderazgos que les servirán para su vida futura.
  • Desempeñarse como embajadores de la paz de Rotary y de México en el mundo.


  • Tener de 15 a 17.5 años.
  • Demostrar dotes de liderazgo en su entorno social y una vida activa en su comunidad a través del deporte, el arte, pasatiempos, etc.
  • Promedio escolar mínimo de 8.0.
  • Manejo del idioma inglés.
  • Adaptabilidad al entorno.
  • Cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en la solicitud de intercambio.
  • Cumplir con los requisitos de los países anfitriones y embajadas para el visado.

Si cumple con todos los requisitos:

  • Ponerse en contacto con un club rotario de su lugar de residencia.
  • Solicitar una entrevista con el YEO/ Coordinador de Zona.
  • Asistir al seminario de inducción para candidatos y sus familias.
  • Presentar solicitud y anexos al club patrocinador.
  • Firmar un convenio con el Club a fin de ser avalado por éste.
  • Obtener certificados médicos, odontológicos y psicológicos.
  • Cubrir la cuota de intercambio que es de $3,460.00 Dlls y $3,260.00 para los socios Interact.
  • Pago de un seguro médico.
  • Gastos de visado.
  • Cubrir gastos de traslado (Vuelos).
  • Fondo de garantía de $500.00 Dlls.
  • Asistir al campamento de integración de outbounds, que se llevará a cabo en La Paz BCS.
  • Asistir al Seminario de Capacitación para familias Anfitrionas y Despedida de Outbounds.

Requisitos para los Clubes

  • Tener conformado un Comité de Intercambio.
  • Asistencia de los Coordinadores, YEOS y demás miembros del comité al Taller de Certificación de Clubes para MANDAR y RECIBIR Jóvenes de Intercambio, mismo que se llevará a cabo vía Zoom el día 15 de octubre del 2022.
  • Cuidar y orientar a los jóvenes en todo momento por medio del trabajo en equipo y comunicación efectiva, comprometiéndose a crear un ambiente de máxima seguridad para ellos.

Sin más, me despido, quedando a sus apreciables órdenes.

Lupita Cervantes de Nava.
Chairman de Distrito 4100.